About Us

Welcome Wellness is here to support you on your path to better health with personalized insights that truly make a difference. We focus on Epigenetic Hair Scan analyses and various functional medicine tests to uncover the root causes of your health concerns, allowing us to create solutions that are just right for you. We believe in taking proactive steps to help you live a longer, more balanced life. At Welcome Wellness, we're committed to being your partner in understanding your unique wellness profile and making changes specific to you.

Meet the Practitioner

Hayden Gubernick is a certified Integrated Health Practitioner 1&2. Her journey into health and wellness began by eliminating toxic household products, but it wasn’t until she faced challenges with fertility that her commitment deepened. When conventional medicine couldn’t provide the answers she needed, Hayden turned to functional medicine, which pinpointed the root cause of her struggles. By making simple, consistent changes based on those insights, she experienced a life-changing transformation and was able to improve her health.

Today, Hayden is dedicated to helping others uncover the root causes of their health challenges and guiding them toward lasting, positive change. She believes in the power of small, informed steps to make a significant impact on overall well-being.


  • Our services are ideal for anyone looking to gain deeper insights into their health and well-being. Whether you're someone focused on optimizing your wellness, dealing with specific health concerns, or simply curious about what your body needs to thrive, this service offers valuable, personalized information.

    If you're ready to take a proactive approach to your health, our service can provide the insights you need to make informed decisions and achieve your wellness goals.

  • Epigenetic Hair Analysis is a cutting-edge method that examines your hair to provide insights into your genetic expressions and how your lifestyle, environment, and nutrition may be affecting your health. This analysis helps in identifying areas where you can optimize your wellness.

  • The process is simple and non-invasive. We collect a small sample of your hair, which is then analyzed in our advanced lab. You’ll receive a comprehensive report detailing your unique wellness profile, including personalized recommendations.

  • Yes, the analysis is completely safe and non-invasive. It only requires a small sample of hair, and there are no side effects or risks involved.

  • While Epigenetic Hair Analysis is not a diagnostic tool, it provides highly detailed and accurate insights into how various factors may be influencing your genetic expressions. These insights are valuable for making informed decisions about your health and lifestyle.

  • Your results will include a detailed report on various aspects of your health, such as nutritional needs, environmental exposures, and potential lifestyle changes. You’ll receive personalized recommendations to help you optimize your wellness.

  • We recommend getting the analysis done periodically, such as every 6 to 12 months, to track changes in your wellness profile and adjust your lifestyle accordingly.

  • Our process involves a deep analysis of your results that will help you interpret the results and create a personalized plan based on the insights gained from your analysis.

  • No special preparation is needed. Simply ensure that your hair is clean and free of any heavy products like gels or sprays on the day of collection.

  • An Integrated Health Practitioner (IHP) is a healthcare professional who combines conventional medicine with complementary and alternative therapies to treat the whole person. They focus on addressing the root cause of health issues by considering physical, emotional, and lifestyle factors.

  • While conventional doctors typically focus on diagnosing and treating specific symptoms or conditions, IHPs take a holistic approach. They aim to address the underlying causes of health issues and work on prevention through lifestyle changes and natural therapies, alongside traditional medical treatments.